Day 10 may 20

 Today was a good shoulder and chest pump day, feeling confident before one of my baseball games coming up. Started off with bench press, I didn’t do pause bench press this week because I wanted to see my progress in the regular benchpress and it was very noticeable as I did 145 for 10 reps 155 for 8 reps 175 for 5 reps, 185 for 2 reps and 195 for 2 reps. Last week I got 195 for one rep I was able to get it for two reps this week and I’m proud of that. I Then moved to incline dumbbell press with the 40s, did 4 sets of 8 reps. I’ve been it close grip dumbbell press for 8 reps of three sets, with 30-pound dumbbells. I then moved on to skull crushers with the 20s for three sets of 10, along with sitting curls with 20-pound dumbbells, 4 sets of 12 reps on each arm. Finished the day with a super circuit of hammer curls, regular curls, and halfway bicep curls for 4 sets of 8 reps on each arm with 25-pound dumbbells. Shot pucks for an hour to end the day outside 

5 hours


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